Hobby Into a Profession
Weightlifting is generally broken down into various categories - bodybuilding , powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting, and general health and fitness pursuits. And while each varies in philosophy and execution, weightlifters in general share one common trait - they love workouts and time spent in the gym. In many cases, if not most, successful weightlifting also involves weightlifters getting enough sleep, maintaining a healthy diet, and using various vitamins and supplements to keep them healthy and maximize the results of their weightlifting. Sound familiar? So tell me, does it make sense to put in all that effort, to craft a healthy mind, body and lifestyle, just to then spend 40 hours a week in a job you hate? Or even in a job that's OK, but still brings stress into your life on a daily or weekly basis? We all know stress can be bad for the body and the mind, so why go through it to your detriment in order to make someone else wealthier? Sounds kind of counter-productive to all ...